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Thursday, May 05, 2011


Did Squid Warn Japanese Fishermen About the Earthquake?

The Yomiuri reports that an increase in the squid catch prior to the March 11th earthquake confirms old folk beliefs about the quake predicting powers of squid:
Some fishermen believe a large haul of squid might be a sign that a major earthquake is about to strike, a theory one expert called “intriguing.”
A fishery cooperative in Komatsushima in the prefecture said about 200 tons of squid were landed during the peak months of January and February–between two and four times more than in a regular year. A fishery co-op in northern Tokushima reported this winter’s squid catch of 70 tons was triple that of a standard year.
Most of the prefecture’s squid haul is netted between northeastern Shikoku and Wakayama Prefecture.
A fishery cooperative in Arida, Wakayama Prefecture, which is across the water from Tokushima, also hauled in 700 kilograms, triple a normal season’s catch.
According to Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries Ministry statistics, squid fishermen in Tokushima brought in 491 tons of the cephalopods in 1994–just before the Hanshin quake–which was 1.4 times the 1993 catch and 1.9 times the 1992 catch.
The “fisherman’s tale” that the size of a squid catch can foretell earthquakes gained traction, and reports of the phenomenon continue to be made at briefings on possible precursors to earthquakes.
“There were amazing hauls of squid just before the Hanshin quake, and also just before the 1946 Nankai Earthquake,” one veteran fisherman from southern Tokushima said.
Another was unable to hide his amazement at the possible connection.
“I thought it was odd that we got such a huge haul,” he said. “I’d heard that squid catches increase before a major earthquake, but….”
A squid research offered an alternative explanation: last year was quite warm, so the hatching rate of squid eggs would have been greater than usual.


Eskay : Wartawan Yang Kaitkan Anwar Kepada Video

KEPONG 4 MEI : Ahli perniagaan Datuk Shazryl Eskay hari ini cuba menunding jari kepada media sebagai pihak yang merumuskan bahawa Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim adalah pelaku dalam video seks yang disebarkan oleh beliau sejak Mac lalu.
“Saya bukannya menuduh Anwar tetapi wartawan yang telah menonton video yang membuat penilaian,” kata Eskay selepas memberi kenyataan kepada Polis Kepong petang tadi.  
Eskay  dipanggil ke balai polis untuk menerangkan kenapa beliau membuat sumpah laknat di Masjid Amru Al-As, Bandar Baru Sentul Jumaat lalu yang mencetuskan kekecohan.
Pada kejadian itu, berlaku tolak menolak serta pertengkaran kecil antara jemaah yang hadir, khususnya mereka yang membantah sumpah laknat itu sebagai satu lagi sandiwara Umno untuk mengaibkan Anwar.
Sekumpulan penyokong PKR mengadakan solat hajat dan berdoa supaya orang yang membuat fitnah dikenakan hukuman.
Selepas member kenyataan kepada polis, Shazryl diasak dengan pelbagai soalan oleh wartawan yang menunggu di luar balai.
Beliau menafikan membekalkan wanita yang mengadakan hubungan seks dengan lelaki dalam rakaman itu, walaupun mengaku muncul dalam klip video berkenaan, lapor Malaysiakini.
"Banyak perkara yang tidak dapat saya dedahkan kerana masih dalam siasatan,” katanya kepada wartawan selepas memberi keterangan kepada polis di Kepong.
Ditanya wartawan, Eskay menafikan bahawa klip video berkenaan dirakamkan di Thailand ataupun negara asing yang lain.
"Alat perakam dan pita rakaman berkenaan buatan Malaysia. Ia tidak mempunyai sarikata (bahasa Siam) ketika saya memperolehinya,” katanya.
Beberapa klip video yang dimuatnaik di Youtube mempunyai jalur putih dengan sarikata bahasa Thai yang berbunyi “Phaholyothin Road, Bangkok, Thailand 10400, Hakcipta 2011".
Jalur putih tidak kelihatan ketika video seks itu pertama kali dipertontonkan kepada wartawan terpilih pada 21 Mac lalu, sebaliknya cuma memaparkan catatan masa.
Catatan masa juga ditemui pada klip video kedua yang dibocorkan di Youtube.
"Ia rakaman biasa dengan catatan masa sahaja. Saya bukannya menuduh Anwar tetapi wartawan yang telah menonton video yang membuat penilaian,” kata Eskay


Eskay Beri Keterangan Kepada Polis
KUALA LUMPUR: Ahli perniagaan Datuk Shazryl Eskay Abdullah pada Rabu memberi keterangan kepada polis berhubung kekecohan di Masjid Amru Al-As, Bandar Baru Sentul selepas solat Jumaat lepas.
Beliau hadir di Balai Polis Kepong kira-kira 11 pagi bersama seorang lelaki dengan menaiki kereta Proton Waja dan keluar dua jam kemudiannya selepas diambil keterangan. Sementara itu, bekas bendahari agung Perkasa Datuk Shuib Lazim yang datang secara berasingan kemudiannya masuk ke dalam balai yang sama kira-kira 2.30 petang untuk diambil keterangan.
Difahamkan seorang lagi anggota trio Datuk T iaitu bekas Ketua Menteri Melaka Tan Sri Abdul Rahim Thamby Chik akan diambil keterangan pada 4.30 petang Rabu.
Pada Jumaat lepas, Eskay melafazkan sumpah laknat di masjid tersebut untuk membuktikan Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim adalah pelaku dalam video seks yang didedahkannya bulan lepas.
Kira-kira 300 penyokong PKR berkumpul dan membuat kekecohan di luar dan dalam masjid itu bagi menghalang niat Eskay. -BERNAMA

Wednesday, May 04, 2011

Selangor tak nak UP ke?

Elaun Bilal, Siak Di P. Pinang Naik 80 Peratus
GEORGE TOWN: Kira-kira 800 bilal dan siak di negeri ini akan menerima kenaikan elaun sebanyak 80 peratus mulai 1 Jun ini.
Timbalan Ketua Menteri I Datuk Mansor Othman berkata kenaikan itu melibatkan peruntukan daripada kerajaan negeri dan Majlis Agama Islam Pulau Pinang (MAIPP).
Beliau berkata dengan kenaikan itu, kira-kira 400 bilal yang ketika ini menerima elaun sebanyak RM180 sebulan akan menerima RM324 sebulan, manakala elaun bagi kira-kira 400 siak akan dinaikkan kepada RM360 sebulan daripada RM200 sebulan.
"Keputusan untuk menaikkan elaun bilal dan siak ini dibuat pada mesyuarat MAIPP dan Majlis Mesyuarat Kerajaan Negeri bahagian agama Islam minggu lepas," katanya pada sidang akhbar di sini, Rabu.
Mansor berkata kerajaan negeri akan menanggung 70 peratus daripada perbelanjaan berkenaan yang berjumlah kira-kira RM2.3 juta manakala MAIPP pula menanggung 30 peratus kos terbabit, berjumlah hampir RM985,000. -BERNAMA

Tuesday, May 03, 2011


Berbanding dengan US yang seronok 'merayakan' kematian Osama, rakyat Jepun yang terlibat merasa kecewa kerana tidak dapat mengetahui sebab sebenar Osama terlibat dengan 9/11. Kenapa tidak ditangkap jika ketahui tempatnya? Dalam banglo bukan dalam gua seperti di propa sebelum ini.

Family whose son was killed in 9.11 attacks
A Japanese couple who lost a son in the September 11th, 2001 attacks says that Osama bin Laden's death is a turning point, even though they wanted to hear him tell the truth about the attacks in a court trial.

Kazusada and Mari Sumiyama's eldest son Yoichi, a 34-year-old bank employee, was killed in the attack on the World Trade Center in New York.

For the past 10 years, the parents have agonized over the loss of their son while also desperately wanting to know why the tragedy happened.

After hearing on Monday the news of Osama bin Laden's death, the couple said they feel that a turning point has 
come at last. But they also said they had wanted bin Laden to be arrested and tried.

They said there is now no opportunity to hear him explain the truth in court. They added that they want the US government to clarify why the terrorist attacks occurred and to work to prevent a recurrence, so that their son's death is not in vain.


What do Japanese people think about the celebration? I can’t say for sure, but I can at least translate a few interesting internet comments. Here are a few quick and dirty translations of Japanese netizens’ comments, from a  2channel thread about the celebrations:
Even though he was a terrible criminal, they’re celebrating so much about the news of a person being killed. It seems a bit different from the way Japanese people would react. But maybe I’m just too used to peace…
It’s truly idiotic to be happy about killing a person.
Savages vs. Savages
Obama’s sagging approval ratings should improve after this.
Maybe Kan can achieve the same if he killed

I understand that they hate him, but it’s really strange to see such a huge joy over the killing of a person.
In Japan, what should we chant when something like this happens?
I really want people to stop saying “Nippon-cha-cha-cha.”
How about “Dai Nippon Teikoku, Banzai!” (Long Live the Japanese Empire) or “Tenno Heika Banzai!” (Long Live the Emperor)?

It’s totally like that.
Japanese also waved the flag and celebrated when FDR died.
It’s the custom of being happy about the death of an enemy.

Hurry up and annex Japan!
I want also want to shout “USA! USA!”

I’m not defending Bin Laden, but I really hate this kind of American nationalism.
It’s disgusting.

After checking out 4chan, I kind of understand what’s going on.
It’s not so much because of Bin Laden’s death. They’re just partying.

If the ringleaders of the Fukushima nuclear terror were killed, maybe Japanese people would cook up some sekihan.

Cerita Dolu Dolu