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Friday, June 10, 2005


Apabila masyarakat dunia didedahkan dengan kebiadaban askar Amerika terhadap tindakan mengoyak dan membuang Al-Quran, seluruh dunia mengecam termasuk Malaysia tapi apa yang boleh kita lakukan? Apa yang negara bolah lakukan? Pak Lah kata "kita tak boleh buat apa-apa". The Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) telah melakukan tindakan pro-aktif dengan memberi terjemahan AL-Quran kepada sesiapa sahaja yang hendak mengetahui dengan lebih mendalam tentang Islam dan Al-Quran dan tidak tertakluk kepada orang Islam sahaja.
"In today’s climate of heightened religious sensitivities and apparent cultural clashes, now is the time for people of all faiths to better acquaint themselves with Islam’s sacred text, the Holy Quran.The Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) is proud to announce a new campaign intended to promote understanding of the Quran by distributing complimentary copies to any interested member of the American public. This campaign, titled Explore the Qur’an, serves as a response to those who would defame and desecrate the holy book of Muslims without full knowledge of its teachings.False and uninformed accusations have been leveled against the Qur’an for some time. But now, this initiative places the sacred text directly in the hands of the American people and encourages all people of conscience to discover the truth about Islam. Explore the Qur’an allows the holy book to speak for itself and educate people of other faith traditions about the universal teachings of Islam. "
Hasil tindakan pro-aktif mereka telah ramai yang memohon naskah tersebut hingga mencecah puluhan ribu orang.
The CAIR campaign has drew Americans from different cross-sections, who were curious about learning the true essence of Islam. They included a police officer, Christian religious leaders and professors, CAIR said. “It is not really a book that promotes violence. Its ultimate world view is peace in a community sense,” CAIR quoted as saying Arthur Ort, one of those who got a free copy of the Noble Qur’an. “I wanted to read it in English for myself and see just what it does say and see if I can understand it,” added Chuck Roth, a Vietnam veteran. ABC’s veteran reporter Bill Blakemore commented that CAIR “is now entrusting their miracle into the hands of non-Muslims, hoping their neighbors will get to know them better.”
Tindakan proaktif CAIR telah membantu rakyat Amerika untuk memahami Islam. Bagaimana pula negara kita? Tindakan pihak pembangkang terutamanya PAS telah disekat dari menyampaikan maksud sebenar dan rasanya masih ramai di dalam Malaysia sendiri tidak memahami dan cuba menjauhi Islam selagi pihak atasan dan wartawan tidak mendedahkan apa yang seharusnya difahami oleh umat Islam dan bukan Islam.
Antara perkara yang menarik untuk di lihat dan seharusnya lebih dijelaskan terutama oleh akhbar-akhbar mainstream adalah perkara-perkara seperti berikut:
What about Muslim women?
Under Islamic law, women have always had the right to own property, receive an education and otherwise take part in community life. Men and women are to be respected equally. The Islamic rules for modest dress apply to both women and men equally. (Men cannot expose certain parts of their bodies, wear gold or silk, etc.) If a particular society oppresses women, it does so in spite of Islam, not because of it.
Kenyataan diatas menjelaskan secara mudah pandangan dasar Islam yang kerap diputarbelitkan oleh pihak yang memegang fahaman sekular. Satu lagi perkara yang menjadi masalah salah faham terhadap Islam adalah Jihad.
What is Jihad?
"Jihad" does not mean "holy war."
Literally, jihad means to strive, struggle and exert effort. It is a central and broad Islamic concept that includes struggle against evil inclinations within oneself, struggle to improve the quality of life in society, struggle in the battlefield for self-defense (e.g., - having a standing army for national defense), or fighting against tyranny or oppression.
Takkan nak diharap Astora Jabat yang terang-terang telah difatwakan oleh Mufti Perak sebagai
'terkeluar daripada ajaran Islam yang sebenar dan oleh itu orang Islam adalah dilarang mengamalkan ajaran itu.' Walaupun perwartaan fatwa ini berkaitan tulisan Astora berkaitan azab kubur tetapi ianya secara tidak langsung menjadi asas kepada pegangan penulis ini yang diketahui amat kerap menghentam ulama-ulama.
Semoga kita lebih bersikap proaktif dalam memberi penerangan kepada bukan Islam dan juga orang Islam sendiri.

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Cerita Dolu Dolu